Polyurethane Breast Implants

Did you know there are breast implants available that reduce the risk of the commonest complication, and the commonest reason for further surgery, by at least TEN times compared with other implants?

If you are considering breast implant surgery you need to know about all of the options so you can make an informed choice.

What is Capsular Contracture?
Everyone considering breast implant surgery soon discovers that the most common complication is capsular contracture. This is where the membrane, which grows around all implants and which normally you can’t see or feel, behaves like “shrink-wrap”. This compresses the implant causing it to feel firm or hard, often distorting its shape.

Unfortunately this complication is by far the biggest cause of dissatisfaction and the need for further surgery. Evidence submitted to the regulatory authority in the USA, the FDA, showed that by 7 years up to 16% of patients had developed capsular contracture with both smooth and textured surfaced implants. To fix this further surgery is needed.

How can it be reduced?
The Polytech – Polyurethane implants are cohesive silicone gel implants with a polyurethane foam surface which reduces the risk of capsular contracture to 1%.

Are they new?
This type of implant is not new. They were first used in 1968 so there is more than 40 years of data and research showing that these implants are safe. Since 1970 there have been more than 100 papers and articles published in learned journals around the world about the use of these implants. The papers have confirmed their safety and reduced rate of capsular contracture. Long term excellent results, research shows significantly lower incidence of capsular contraction with polyurethane implants. Capsular contraction remains the highest complication of breast enhancement surgery.

How do they do this?
When the Polytech – Polyurethane implants are used, the foam covering becomes part of the capsule. It acts as a scaffolding or lattice, which the collagen fibres (which make up the capsule) wrap themselves around. They are stabilised and no longer lined up end on end as seen in the capsules of smooth and textured implants. The fibres are unable to slide over one another so the capsule is much less likely to contract like shrink wrap. The unique surface of the polyurethane foam covered implant grips to the capsule like Velcro reducing the risk of displacement and rotation.

Are there other advantages with the Polytech Polyurethane Breast Implants?

  • German Quality
  • Logical Implant System for projections, shapes and sizes able to create custom sizes and implant shape for the very best results
  • Polytech use: Silicone gel for the shell and complied Bound gel in the implant both of which are FDA approved
  • Polytech – Polyurethane implants form a unique bond body’s own tissue surrounding the Polyurethane breast implant, reduces many other commonly seen breast implant problems that can occur with silicone textured implants. Such as – Symmastia (or “breadloafing” where the implants meet in the middle of the chest), lateral displacement (implants moving under the arm), “bottoming out”, (where the implant gradually moves downward on the chest) and rotation (a particular complication of “natural teardrop shaped” implants – where the implant can rotates either in a clockwise movement, or by “flipping over” inside the implant pocket).
  • PolyTech Polyurethane implants are manufactured by one of the world’s largest producers of silicone medical devices. The implants are CE marked for use throughout Europe.
  • Polytech Polyurethane implants are covered by the Implants of Excellence Programme which has been in place for 25 years, covering against implant rupture for the patient’s lifetime and capsular contraction and rotation for 10-years.
  • Long term excellent results, research shows significantly lower incidence of capsular contraction with polyurethane implants. Capsular contraction remains the highest complication of breast enhancement surgery.

For more information http://www.polytechhealth.com/