Breast augmentation recovery

Breast augmentation surgery is usually carried out under general anaesthetic and therefore has the same risks as other invasive surgical procedures; any kind of surgical procedure carries a small risk of infection.

It takes a few months for the breasts to settle after surgery and in the short term patients might experience some swelling, hardness and discomfort with some bruising, twinges and pains possibly over the first few weeks. The combination of increased volume from the breast implant and swelling from surgery may cause your breasts to feel large, heavy and tight. While in the hospital, you will be encouraged to rest in an upright position to help reduce swelling.

Depending on the size of the breast implant and the way it was placed during surgery, some mild bruising may occur. Rarely, this bruising can extend down to the abdomen. While this is uncommon, it is not considered a complication. However, if you have any large, firm, painful areas of bruising, contact your doctor. This may be a haematoma, which is a more serious type of bruise and will need treatment. Normal bruising should subside in one to two weeks.

Post-surgery, you will be given pain relief if you are in pain. Your scars will be pink for several weeks, but after several months they will begin to fade.

You may need to stay in the hospital overnight, or you may be allowed home the same day. It is critical that you follow your doctor’s guidance and advice on post-operative care. You will normally need to attend a number of post-operative check-ups to ensure that you are recovering well.

Follow these steps to help to ensure a speedy and healthy breast implant recovery:

Rest – Get as much as possible following your procedure. Drink plenty of fluids, and be sure to take the doctor’s prescribed medications. Avoid sleeping on your front for one month.

Avoid lifting your arms – For at least three to five days, you should try to keep arm extension to a minimum. The tissues will heal more quickly if you avoid stretching and separating muscle/tissue surrounding the breast implants.

Take it easy – Avoid physical exertion for several weeks and driving for one week. You should be able to return to work two to four weeks after your breast enlargement procedure, depending on the advice of your doctor.  Breast implant recovery times vary from patient to patient and depend upon the technique, type of implant and site of placement that the doctor uses, as well as the level of activities in your daily routine.

Keep dry – Avoid getting water on your wounds for a week.

Breast enlargement recovery times vary for individuals; it is a gradual process, you must be aware that you need to get help if any of the following occur to you.

If you suffer from any of the following, tell your surgeon or nursing staff immediately:

Excessive swelling.

Deflated breasts.

Offensive-smelling wound discharge.

A fever of 38ºC (106ºf) or more.

Excessive pain or burning heat in your breast.