Breast implant removal and replacement surgery side effects

Breast implant removal and replacement surgery side effects and surgery risks

Like all surgical procedures, with breast implant removal surgery there is always a possibility of complications. Although these complications are extremely rare, they can include:

  • Infection.
  • Adverse reaction to anaesthesia.
  • Excessive bleeding.
  • Unsatisfactory results.

Breast asymmetry may occur after breast implant removal surgery if implants are not replaced. It is important to bear in mind that you may be disappointed with the results of breast implant removal surgery. Additional surgery may be necessary to reshape breasts after implant removal.

Some patients require no further breast surgery after their breast implants have been removed, while others may require a breast lift. Some breast lifts may be extensive while others may be very limited. Breast lift surgery can leave scars on the outside of breasts, which will heal in time.

If the implant shell has been damaged or ruptured, it may be impossible to remove all of the escaped gel from the surrounding tissues. This is a particular problem if the surrounding scar capsule, which usually contains the leaked gel, has also been injured or damaged.

It is not possible to predict with certainty how a woman will look after implant removal surgery. Much depends on the nature of the scar capsule and whether the implant has ruptured.

Breast implant removal and replacement surgery recovery and healing

Recovery and healing times do vary from patient to patient. Your stitches would normally be removed 5-7 days post-surgery, bruising subsides gradually over the course of 2-3 weeks. You should walk around the house with some assistance. Every day, walk around the house, slowly increasing your level of activity. Avoid raising your shoulders above 90 degrees for 2 weeks, for instance to reach a plate high in the cupboard. If you have small children try and arrange for their care by your spouse or another guardian for the first few days. You will need to avoid reaching or lifting of any kind for at least a week and for as long as two weeks. Although it is important to keep the breast area clean throughout the healing process to avoid infections, breast implant removal patients should not submerge their incisions in a bath, swimming pool or other body of water until the breasts have completely healed. Avoid touching the incisions or bringing any product, such as lotion or deodorant, into contact with the stitched area. You should be able to return to work after a week. However, if your job requires physical activity, you should wait two weeks before resuming a full workload. It may take your body up to six weeks to make a full recovery. As your body heals during that time, you will gradually regain strength of movement. Your scars may take up to seven months to completely heal.

Summing Up

Breast implant revision is a cosmetic surgery procedure carried out to remove or replace breast implants, and to correct complications that have occurred after breast augmentation or implant-based surgery.

Breast implant revision can also be performed to correct an unsatisfactory outcome from a previous breast surgery procedure.

Additional surgery may be necessary to reshape the breasts after breast implant revision, as breast asymmetry may occur.