Breast lift surgery recovery and healing

Once your breast lift procedure is completed, the surgical areas will be covered in dressing or bandages and an elastic bandage or support bra will be given to the patients to wear. The purpose of a support bra or bandage is to minimise swelling and support the breasts as they heal, you may have to wear a support bra for the first week or two.

Breast lift recovery times vary from patient to patient. Initial breast lift recovery may include swelling and slight discomfort at the incision sites and in breast tissue overall. It is quite common to experience discomfort and this can be controlled with medication.

Your medical team will advise you of:

How to care for the breasts following surgery, and the importance to cleanse the incision sites and apply any ointment as directed, and it is important you follow that advice carefully, as this is essential to the success of your final outcome.

Medications to apply or to take orally to reduce the risk of infection.

Specific changes at the surgical site or in overall health.

Follow-up consultations with your breast lift surgeon.

A return to light and normal activity is possible as soon as you feel ready, which is normally a few days after surgery, however initial wound healing may take between 5 to 10 days, at which time any sutures will be removed.

You will be able to return to work and resume normal activity after this time. It is advisable not to engage in any vigorous exercise or activity or heavy lifting within 4 to 6 weeks after your procedure.

Breast lift recovery times can take up to several weeks as swelling slowly resolves and implant position settles. Incision lines will gradually fade; although they remain permanent they are often inconspicuous.